点击次数: 更新时间:2005-09-21
Dear Hu Zhihong,
I thoroughly enjoyed my stay inWuhan. I would like to express my deep appreciation for Guo Qiyong Laoshi, you, and all the colleages at Wuda for making the 7th International Conference on Confucianism an important and memorable event. I was delighted to greet Professor Xiao Jiefu. I felt great honored to have a whole session devoted to my work. It was educational.
The interviews for the Harvard-Yenching Institute went well. Please give my thanks to the International Office. They made my stay most comfortable. I was privileged to meet President Liu, a truly impressive leader in higher education. His liberal arts' vision, as demonstrated in his sensitivity to and knowledge of the humanities, is truly exceptional.
TheWuhanmeeting signals the beginning of a new phase for New Confucian studies in Cultural China. I am most grateful. By the way, the visit to theNavyAcademyadded a new dimension to myWuhantrip. I cherish the experience.
I learned that Professor Deng Xiaomang gave a lecture critiquing my interpretation of the Western Enlightenment sometime ago. I would like to have a copy of his presentation. I am sorry that I missed a chance to meet with and learn from him this time. His interpretive work and scholarship on Western philosophy, especailly Kantianim is a standard of inspiration for all of us. Please give my best regards to him.
With best wishes,
TU Weiming