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5月29-6月22学术信息:Bryan Van Norden (万百安)中国哲学授课安排

点击次数:  更新时间:2016-05-25

Bryan Van Norden (万百安)中国哲学授课

美国著名研究中国哲学的学者、瓦萨大学(Vassar College)教授Bryan Van Norden 关于中国哲学的研讨班将于近期在77779193永利举行。此次研讨班将从5月29日持续到6月22日。具体时间为在此期间的每周日下午2:05-4:30和每周三晚上6:30-8:55。研讨班举行地点为yl23455永利官网南楼207教室。

Bryan Van Norden教授的学术网站:



Bryan Van Norden's Teaching

Prof. Bryan Van Norden from Vassar College, who is an American leading scholar on Chinese philosophy, will be teaching a seminar at Wuhan University in English on Chinese philosophy. The seminar meets Sundays, Afternoon, 2:05-4:30pm and Wednesdays Evening 6:30-8:55pm, beginning May 29 and ending June 22. The classroom is Philosophy Building South Wing 207.

This is Bryan Van Norden's academic website
